Alisher Ilkhamov
11 October, 2022
This report is prepared on the basis of Alisher Ilkhamov’s presentation at the side-event “Ethnic Minorities in Central Asia: From Non-Recognition to Stigma and Discrimination” organized by the Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” as a part of the annual OSCE ODIHR Human Dimension Conference held in Warsaw from 26 September to 7 October 2022. The report offers a preliminary assessment of the events in Karakalpakstan in July 2022, when the people of this republic took to the streets, protesting against the Uzbek authorities’ plans to adopt constitutional amendments that would deprive the autonomous republic of its right to exit the country by voting for that in referendum. According to press reports and eyewitnesses, the protests were brutally suppressed by Uzbekistan’s security forces. The report attempts to assess the extent of the victims of this act of repression and to identify the systemic, public policy related issues that arise in this regard.
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